Welcome to Voice Z Digital, the student-led agency at the University of New Hampshire.  Join me as I walk you through the opportunities, experiences, and professional development I have had at the agency and show you exactly what it’s like to be a marketing strategist at Voice Z Digital.  

Katelyn Howe, Director of Operations

As a marketing student at Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, I was eager to gain more relevant academic experiences after my sophomore year.  I was excited to be admitted to Voice Z Digital as a marketing strategist. My first year in the agency consisted of audits and client projects. During one project, I helped create a social media calendar and conduct a website cleanup for a lactation consultant (check out Motina Lactation!). On another team, I helped create a website for a general store in New Hampshire (Find Mont Vernon General Store here!). After a successful first year, I wanted to return to the agency to help grow the business model.   

As a returning member, I hold the title of Senior Marketing Strategist and serve as the agency’s Director of Operations. This year, I have helped further develop the foundation of the agency. For example, one development has been a pricing model for the service packages we offer. I am able to help on the administrative side, while also participating in a client project for the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center and an audit for Jack’s Crackers 

Why have these experiences helped me? 

1. Communication 

The work at Voice Z requires strong written and verbal communication skills among clients and strategists.  It is essential to clearly define what is expected from the agency, clients, and within our teams. This is a skill I have been able to practice and improve on.

2. A Taste of Agency Life 

Voice Z Digital provides students at the University of New Hampshire the opportunity to work in a marketing agency. Clients want the best digital marketing recommendations based on our findings in a digital audit.  Clients have the opportunity to continue Service Work that is offered by Voice Z Digital. It is hard to replicate what an agency is like in the classroom setting. After participating in Voice Z Digital, I am able to apply to full-time positions for post-grad that are asking for two to three years of experience in agency and client relations roles.  This gives me a unique offering, that not many new graduates have.       

3. Professional Development 

During my time at the agency, I have been able to further develop my digital marketing skills and client relation best practices. As I have interviewed for internships and now full-time jobs, the work that I am doing has always made it into the conversation. I am getting real practice that I will take with me post-grad.     

If you’re looking to test the agency lifestyle, get involved on campus, or improve your resume and portfolio, consider applying to join us at Voice Z Digital for the Fall of 2022!