Author: Krysta Mack, Marketing Strategist

Starting your own business can seem like the scariest thing in the world, but Erin Mullaney proves that you can accomplish anything with the right amount of effort, resilience, and heart. Erin Mullaney, a Paul College Alumni, started her own business while working a full-time job at 9Rooftops – a marketing agency located out of Boston. She used what she learned about integrated marketing at the multiple agencies she has worked at to “help smaller businesses who cannot afford large agencies prioritize and execute their marketing efforts.” So, Mullaney Marketing was created. 

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Along with the Challenges Comes Proud Moments
  3. Overview

Getting Started

One of the most intimidating aspects of starting a business can be doing everything yourself and building the company from the ground up. Erin said that her biggest challenges were, and still are, the business administration side and time management. As a marketing professional, she had to branch out and learn how to start a website from scratch, register a business, do business taxes, set up billing and invoicing, etc., all while still working her 9 to 5 job. She utilized the help of YouTube and Google to research and watch online tutorials, and eventually everything came together, and Mullaney Marketing grew into what it is today.  

Along with doing your own research there are many groups and resources available to small business owners. Erin is a part of many marketing groups on Facebook where industry professionals are open to help with any questions other people in the group have.  

Erin also explained the main differences between her job at a bigger agency – 9Rooftops – and working for herself with small businesses. “At my 9 to 5 agency job, I’m part of a team and get to deep dive on one small piece of the business. I create media strategies and plans for big budget clients and work with the team to execute them. The projects are larger and require greater investments in both time and money.”  

While the main difference in her jobs is the scale of the projects, they are similar in the fact that it is essential for every company, no matter the size, to prioritize marketing efforts in some way, even if the strategy to approach that can be very different.  

Here’s some ways working with a small digital marketing agency, like Mullaney Marketing, can be beneficial: 

Along with the Challenges Comes Proud Moments

Even with all the roadblocks present in starting any business, Erin has managed to create a great company and build up her client list. She has increased the efficiency and quality of her work by automating tasks and reports to save time. And she is rewarded by the feedback she receives from clients. Erin often works directly with the business owners, and she gets to see the direct impact she is having on their lives. There are also tangible benefits that the businesses receive from her work, from reinvesting in their business to upgrading their facilities and hiring additional staff.  

Erin had a lot to say about the value she has seen since starting Mullaney Marketing: 

“My biggest takeaway after starting Mullaney Marketing is to be confident in yourself. It took me two years and a lot of research to bite the bullet and get it going. But it wasn’t that it took that long to prepare, I was simply nervous. I was confident in my work but hung up on little qualms like “am I too young?” or “do I have enough experience to be taken seriously?” and even “does my boss think this is silly?”. If you provide a service that can help someone, and they value it, there’s the partnership. Don’t be afraid to leverage your skills. You’re helping yourself and you’re helping others, it’s a win-win. Be confident in yourself and your offerings and don’t let those trivial nerves get in the way.” 

Erin’s story is inspiring for anyone looking to start a business, but especially young women. She didn’t let anything stand in her way of being successful and that is empowering. She notes the amazing women she has had in her career life to look up to. She has taken a lot away from the different management styles and work approaches that have been exposed to her.  


I hope that reading about Erin’s journey and all her successes has inspired you to get out there and conquer your own fear – whether that’s a class project, an internship, or maybe even starting your own business. Have the courage to do what makes you happy.  

Some words of advice from Erin: 

“So, to current students, remember that everything you’ve heard about college, all the buildup, it’s only a fraction of your life. Don’t be afraid to make the most of it. Get out of your comfort zone whether it’s joining that club, taking that class, conversing with that classmate, or going for that job. You got it!”

You Can Visit Erin’s Website Here: