Author: Katie Berthasavage, Director of Marketing Technology

What is Branding and what purpose does it serve?

Branding – this is a commonly used term in the marketing world. It is important to note that a lot of our behavior as consumers is influenced by brands and the associations they have the power to make in our minds. It is the process of creating strong, long-lasting and positive perceptions of a brand in stakeholders’ minds. Branding is vital to the success of a company because it leads consumers to associate positive attributes with your brand. Successful branding promotes brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is when a consumer chooses to repeatedly purchase a specific product by the same company over other products that are sold by competitors. Ultimately, when branding is  effective, it can help build a loyal customer base, which is essential when it comes to establishing market share.

Top Branding Tips

Consistent branding

In order to communicate effectively, you must understand your customers and what they are looking for. You could have the most compelling branding techniques but if it isn’t directed at the correct audience, it will not be successful. With that being said, once you have established a loyal customer base, they will expect your tone of voice and visuals to be consistent across all platforms. This can include on the website, social media, in-store presentation and packaging. Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining a loyal customer base.

Visually perfect your brand

Although branding is not entirely visual, it plays a large role in differentiating yourself from competitors. Creating an in-store brand experience can differ greatly from branding online. In-store branding has a lot to do with the visual appearance of how items are displayed. Knowing where to strategically place items around the store, as well as maintaining an orderly space have a large impact on how consumers perceive your brand. When it comes to online branding, website design and orientation come into play. Details such as fonts and logos contribute greatly to branding. Choosing appropriate models as well as color orientation and design across the website is powerful too. As always, it is especially important to consider your target audience when making these decisions.

Prioritize customer experience

In order to maintain a loyal following for your brand, customer satisfaction is a top priority. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that all interactions customers have with your brand are positive and uplifting. This encompasses everything from return policies to email marketing exchanges.

Give back

Remembering to thank your customers for doing business with you can help establish customer loyalty. Showing thanks can come in many different forms. Extending discounts and offering special promotions to loyal customers are a few examples. Giving back is a sure way to humanize your brand.

Top Brand Experience Building Example: Nike

One of Nike’s claims to fame is Nike by You. Nike By You allows customers to customize sneakers using different colors and materials, giving their valued customers control over the design of their products depending on personal preferences. They clearly value customer experience and creativity as they include an ‘explore’ option on their website. This is a way for customers to research tips and tricks in a series of short video clips on the customization process. Nike’s emphasis on customization and personalization encourages customer expression This leaves a lasting impact on the customer long after the purchase has been made. No wonder Nike has a strong, loyal customer base that strongly supports its brand.

Nike By You — Gretel

Check out Voice Z’s blog post on the importance of building a brand guide to further your knowledge on branding and how it can take your marketing technique to the next step.


Bonderud, D. (2022, March 10). Everything you need to know about brand experience. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from

Efrem, R., Perlmutter, K., Gadsdon, C., Maestres, D., Couvillon, S., & Goldhawk, B. (2021, December 21). What is branding and why is it important for your business? Brandingmag. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from

Markus, J. (n.d.). What is branding? – why is branding important? – get the answers here. Oberlo. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from,theme%20throughout%20all%20marketing%20communications.