Author: Madeleine Hungerford, Marketing Strategist

How Artificial Intelligence is Used in Marketing and the Importance of Its Implementation


There are multiple benefits to integrating Artificial Intelligence into a company or a brand’s preexisting marketing strategy. It can increase the decision-making time of the project, create a more personalized message to the target audience, and enhance the measurement of success in a campaign.

Artificial intelligence marketing uses artificial intelligence software to help make automated decisions based on three things; data collection, data analysis, and additional observations and trends that have the potential to impact marketing efforts.  Artificial intelligence has the notion of being sci-fi and has a kind of unknown factor to some people. But it is a helArtificial intelligence photopful tool that is becoming more real to people and is being utilized. AI allows for more customizable, optimal, and effective content. The chatbots you see on websites asking if you need assistance are part of an AI system and you might not even realize it. They track data, give suggestions, and answer any questions efficiently.

Marketing analytics is a form of AI, which tracks companies’ and brands’ web pages to assist with their specific deliverables. More companies are expanding their digital presence, and setting up analytics is essential for predicting, planning, and executing marketing strategies.

All things digital are becoming more cohesive for companies to implement and explore essential parts of their business; marketing is just one of them. Marketers who are utilizing AI are seeing results specifically with conversion. This is due to the influx of data AI can hold on consumer preferences, creating extremely accurate predictions. It limits the gap between consumers and retailers, to form an understood relationship. AI is at the top of the discussion and is the most valuable source for marketing strategists to adopt key information from consumers.

Works Cited

Marketing Evolution. (2022). What is AI Marketing? A Complete Guide. Retrieved from Marketing Evolution:,efforts%20where%20speed%20is%20essential.

Marr, B. (2022). Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Marketing. Retrieved from Forbes:

Thomas H. Davenport, A. G. (2021). How to Design an AI Marketing Strategy. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: