Author: Kiera Cote, Marketing Strategist

As the world of e-commerce continues to grow, so does the number of possibilities that opens up. Instagram is a continuously growing platform that allows its personal and business users to post photos, create 24-hour stories, stream live videos, interact with other users, and now sell items right through its platform. Instagram Shopping is a new feature that is helping businesses reach new customers and drive sales.

So, how does this work? People can shop through product tags, product tag ads, and through story product launches. Product tags can be put directly into posts, reels, stories, live videos, or a profile’s bio. This allows users to easily tap or click on the tag to see some quick item details such as a photo and the price. Product tag ads allow you to reach new users by boosting your photos and videos in shoppers’ feeds. Product Launches are a new feature for Instagram stories that will get your shoppers excited! Through these, users can set a reminder for a product launch and preview additional details of a launch.

So now, let’s take a look at how to set up Instagram Shopping.

Step 1: Make sure this feature on Instagram is a good fit for your business.

First, review Instagram’s Commerce Eligibility Requirements to make sure that your business can legally sell your product through this platform. Here you can also review community guidelines, terms of use, and other policies.

Step 2: Pick a tool to start the onboarding process

This is where one starts creating their Instagram shop. To do this, use Instagram’s Commerce Manager which can be found in the app or by using another third-party platform. Other third-party platforms include Shopify, Wix, BigCommerce, Quipt, and more!

Step 3: Fill out your shop details in Commerce Manager

This next step is customizing and adding to the Instagram shop. Businesses have the option

to determine checkout methods as well as whether they want to expand the shop to Facebook as well. Here, one can also easily add available products by connecting them to an existing catalog or doing this manually.

Step 4: Submit for Review

For this last step, simply submit the shop details to Instagram for review.

Here are some additional tips and tricks on how to optimize one’s Instagram shop. Especially as we head into the Holiday season.

  • Use one catalog – If the plan is to use Instagram shopping for both Facebook and Instagram, make sure to use only one catalog for both platforms.
  • Make sure all products are up to date – Make sure the inventory count is accurate along with all prices. Adding color, size, and materials is another way to add more details to products.
  • Fill all blank fields – Fill in all catalog fields. This includes product name, description, category, etc.
  • Add photos and videos – Adding photos and/or videos help shoppers more easily decide whether they will have a purchase or not. Make sure all photos are at least four high resolutions.
  • Use tags frequently – Using tags frequently will expand reach and attract more shoppers. Make sure you are also taking advantage of the different features on Instagram like stories and highlights and putting tags across as many as you can.


“Instagram Shopping Guide and Best Practices for the Season.” Instagram for Business,

“What Is Instagram Shopping? Everything You Need to Get Started.” Instagram for Business,