Author: Zach Steere, Marketing Strategist

If you have talked to any number of marketing professionals in the past decade, you will often hear terms like SEO, hit rate, and page speed, and how important it is to improve all three in order to make your business more successful. Recently, the marketing field has become increasingly digital and analytical which has helped many businesses grow. However, without proper branding and identity, the addition of an increased digital presence is useless.

Old vs New logo

Visuals Are Important!

Potential clients form an opinion about a website in 0.05 seconds (8ways, 2019). With that being said, the need for a visually appealing logo and branding is extremely important. Using signature colors that associate with your brand increases brand recognition by 80% (Reboot, 2018). Increased brand recognition creates an influx of customers both through e-commerce sales and sales through a brick-and-mortar store, and this is all due to the combination of modern digital marketing tactics, and professional branding.

Consistency is Key

In terms of social media presence, any marketing professional will agree that consistent branding increases brand recognition and ultimately increases profits. It has been shown that the consistent presentation of a brand has led to an increase in revenue by 33% (Lucidpress, 2019).

While implementing good digital marketing tactics and combining them with consistent and representative branding, it has been proven to increase profits, boost brand familiarity, and grow your business tenfold.


Mohsin, Maryam. “10 Branding Statistics You Need to Know in 2022 [Infographic].” Oberlo, Oberlo, 16 May 2022,