Author: Jake Kitterman, Marketing Strategist


Living in a digital world in 2022, content marketing is everywhere. Everyone has seen and enjoyed this type of marketing. Most people don’t even notice every day the amount of content from friends, family, schools, brands, businesses, etc. that you sift through on social platforms and online. Most of the content you see is shown to you algorithmically through marketing channels. About 82% of companies report using content marketing to some degree and 90% of marketers plan on using content marketing as part of their marketing campaigns in 2022. 

What is Content Marketing? 

Content Marketing entails the creation and use of media and material used to target a certain audience. This content’s sole use is to spark interest and conversation around you, your brand, your business, and your product/service. There are many ways to produce and use content to market to your targeted audiences. Below are some of the most common uses of content marketing. 

  • Photography 
    • Most commonly used within Instagram, Website, Facebook, Articles, and Blogs 
  • Videography 
    • Most commonly used within Instagram Reels, Tik Tok, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, and Websites 
    • Click here to watch a release video for Smuttynose’s Kind Series Launch  
  • Graphics 
    • Most commonly used within videos, photos, apps, websites, etc. 
    • Spotify Wrapped 

Content Marketing with Spotify

Other types of content marketing include podcasts, newsletters, articles, and blogs. 

Why Use Content Marketing? 

There are many reasons why marketers use content marketing to their advantage. A few of the more popular reasons are:

  • To spark conversation & awareness in regard to your brand
  • Cultivate a following (traction) on social media
  • Generate leads & calls to action
  • Convey a message or their story to consumers
  • Increase traffic to the website and physical locations 

Content marketing works like a charm, especially if one of your goals aligns with the ones listed above. Most marketers’ primary goals are to increase traffic and brand awareness to increase sales. In fact, HubSpot claims that 73% of companies that spend from 10% to 70% of their total marketing budget on content marketing were very successful. 


Content marketing is a key for a lot of brands and businesses out there to tell their story and spread their message to consumers in today’s world. With the expectation of every business to have a website and with the growth of social media the use of content marketing will only grow. 72% of companies plan to increase their content marketing budget in 2022 and that number will increase in 2023 and onward. Don’t be afraid to use one of the many avenues of content marketing to your advantage!