Photography & Videography
Capture stunning visuals that tell your brand’s story with our photography and videography services. At Voice Z Digital, we create high-quality content that engages your audience and elevates your online presence.

Photography & Videography
Professional photography and videography should be a key part of your website and social media presence. High-quality visuals not only enhance brand credibility but also provide valuable content for marketing materials like brochures and infographics.
Unlike stock images or low-resolution photos, professional photography establishes legitimacy, while videos effectively tell stories and communicate complex ideas.
Timeline: 4-6 WEEKS | Starting at $1250
- Watermarked proof approval
- 30 – 40 edited digital copies
- Photo release
- 1hr shooting session
Timeline: Additional 2-3 WEEKS
Video release
Reshoots outlined in SOW
60 second promotional video
2hr shooting session 60 second promotional video